Friday, May 3, 2013

Got Gun? Get Lawyer!

Got Gun? Get Lawyer!

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Got Gun? Get Lawyer!
I am continually amazed at the number of permit holders who have been carrying for years, yet still don’t have a lawyer. How anyone could walk out of the house with a gun on their hip and not have an attorney’s number already programmed into their cell phone is simply beyond my comprehension. It’s like heading out for a cross-country road trip without a spare tire in the trunk.
The primary reason that we carry firearms is to defend ourselves from physical threats. Yet we also need to defend ourselves from legal threats. Because if, God forbid, we do have to employ our firearm, even without firing a shot, there will always be the potential for legal difficulties. Once shots are fired, especially when there is a fatal outcome, legal issues are a virtual certainty.
The time to select an attorney is long before you need one. To help drive this home, imagine yourself sitting in a jail cell, flipping through an old copy of the “Yellow Pages” scouring hundreds of names, hoping to find the one who might help. You could also put your life in the hands of some 27 year old Public Defender who carries 60 cases a week. But neither of those options is very appealing. Better to find a lawyer ahead of time.
When you start looking, remember that just any lawyer won’t do. Like doctors, lawyers come in a variety of flavors. If you were severely injured in a traffic accident, you’d certainly want a trauma specialist rather than a dermatologist. You want a criminal defense attorney, not a divorce lawyer or corporate liability specialist.
But be careful. There are plenty of attorneys out there who claim to be “criminal defense attorneys” whose actual criminal experience is limited to defending low-level drug dealers and pleading out DWI cases. You’ll need to do some homework.
Check with others you know in your local carry community. They are often relatively up to date on some of the better defense attorneys in your area. If you are a member of the NRA, you can get referrals to attorneys who likely have experience in armed self-defense cases. Check out the NRA-ILA website or just call (703) 267-1161.
Once you have several attorneys to investigate, call them and ask them some key questions. Are they available 24/7? Most are, but it’s a good idea to confirm it, as well as ask them what their backup process is, should they be on vacation for instance (“my partner automatically gets my emergency calls transferred to him/her.”).
Then inquire as to their experience in handling self-defense, specifically those cases involving the use of a firearm. How many cases have they taken? More importantly, how many did they win? Whatever numbers they quote you may not mean much by themselves, but after talking to three or four lawyers, you will get a pretty good idea as to who the “pit-bulls” are. And you definitely want a pit-bull, because if you should one day find yourself in court, the prosecutor in your case will be a Rottweiler.
Most lawyers who specialize in self-defense do not require a big retainer (deposit) in advance. They are used to getting calls from a “friend-of-a-friend” in the middle of the night. But rest assured, there will be a bill. On that subject, note that I did not list the lawyer’s billing rate as a criterion for selection. There’s a reason. As a sage attorney once said, “There’s nothing more expensive than a cheap lawyer.”
Even if you are on a very modest income, if it comes down to paying off $40,000 in legal bills over the next 20 years, or spending 20 years in prison, I’d say most of us would call that a bargain.
Lastly, having the best attorney on the planet will do you no good if, by the time they arrive, you’ve already destroyed your case by shooting your mouth off to the police. If you are involved in a shooting, call 911, say only that you were attacked and that you need police and an ambulance. Then hang up, lawyer up, and shut up. And let your pit-bull do their job.


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IF none of those work, there is absolutely no hope for you.
Good Luck.

Aaaaaaah Shala My Lickem


ublished on Apr 30, 2013
Wow! Kudos to the legislator for not backing down. But it was ugly no doubt!

Hitler Finds Out Gun Control Failed In The Senate

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hitler Finds Out Gun Control Failed In The Senate 050313

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If for any reason you have trouble getting into this youtube, there are at least four ways to do it:

Cut and paste the youtube website almost immediately below
click on the title in the black band at the top of the frame
click on the white triangle in the frame
click on the youtube logo in the black band at the bottom of the frame

IF none of those work, there is absolutely no hope for you.
Good Luck.

Aaaaaaah Shala My Lickem

Hitler Finds Out Gun Control Failed In The Senate

Thursday, May 2, 2013

46,455 Background Checks For Gun Purchases Each Day Under moose kakes' "hubby"

46,455 Background Checks For Gun Purchases Each Day Under Obama

May 2, 2013
There have been 72,005,482 background checks for gun purchases since President Obama took office, according to data released by the FBI.
In 2009, the FBI conducted 14,033,824 background checks.  If we subtract the month of January (Obama did not assume office until the end of the month) we get 12,819,939.
The FBI conducted 14,409,616 background checks in 2010, 16,454,951 in 2011, and 19,592,303 in 2012.
Add to that the first four months of 2013 (2,495,440, 2,309,393, 2,209,407 and 1,714,433 respectively) and the total number of background checks under President Obama comes to 72,005,482.
Obama has been President for 1,550 days.  That works out to 46,455 background checks for gun purchases each day.

Cold Steel Inferno Pepper Spray

Ed Note: If you cannot read what's below, Hold the left button on your mouse down and run your cursor over it and the text will magically appear.

If for any reason you have trouble getting into this youtube, there are at least four ways to do it:

Cut and paste the youtube website almost immediately below
click on the title in the black band at the top of the frame
click on the white triangle in the frame
click on the youtube logo in the black band at the bottom of the frame

IF none of those work, there is absolutely no hope for you.
Good Luck.

Aaaaaaah Shala My Lickem

Cold Steel Inferno Pepper Spray   

Uploaded on Aug 10, 2011